Enhancing Workplace Safety & PPE Compliance with Maneva AI

Maneva integrates AI-powered workplace safety solutions to monitor and enforce compliance with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) regulations and overall worker safety protocols. These capabilities help reduce workplace hazards, improve compliance tracking, and enhance operational efficiency.

Safety & PPE Compliance

Uses AI-powered cameras to detect whether workers are wearing required PPE (e.g., helmets, gloves, goggles, face masks, high-visibility vests).
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24/7 Facility-Wide PPE Monitoring

Monitors work environments for hazardous conditions, such as wet floors, obstacles, or improper workstation setups. Issues alerts if risks are detected, helping reduce workplace injuries and compensation claims​.
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Slip, Trip & Fall Prevention

Maneva supports customization of the key metrics generated by handwash monitor. Filter by shift periods, aggregate by facilities, and view week-to-week. Maneva works with you to deliver the metrics your business needs the most.

Customized Metrics to Meet Your Business Needs

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We collect the minimal required data onsite to generate key metrics. Personable identifiable information (PII) are not collected as part of tracked handwash events.

Anonymous Metric Collection

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24/7 Facility-Wide Handwash Monitoring
See the progress of your whole facility in adopting recommended handwash guideline. Track and record handwashing events and their duration. Simply install new cameras or point existing camera infrastructure to the handwash area to get started.
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Drive Company Policies With Key Metrics
Generate historical reports to provide key metrics and actionable feedback in reinforcing a health & safety conscious culture.
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Customized Metrics To Your Business Needs
Maneva supports customization of the key metrics generated by handwash monitor. Filter by shift periods, aggregate by facilities, view week-to-week - Maneva works with you to deliver the metrics your business needs the most.
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Anonymous Metric Collection
Maneva only collects the minimal required data needed onsite to generate the needed metrics. Personable identifiable information (PII) are not collected as part of the tracked handwash events.
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Unlock New Possibilities with Maneva AI

We collaborate with leading manufacturers to automate and enhance their workforce capabilities using advanced AI.


Better than manual process


AI model accuracy


Saving on cost of labour

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Maneva helps factories run smarter by reducing downtime, improving quality, and making production faster and more efficient with easy-to-use AI solutions.